Our History

The Start

Immediately following the devastating earthquake in Haiti of January 12th 2010, we visited Haiti to see what help we could lend to the shattered lives of many of Haiti’s poor people. After seeing the desperate need for general medical help in the Oriani area of the southeast mountain areas, we felt God gently leading us to establish a clinic here. Many consultations were made with various people and leaders of the area and the other arms of our already established church presence in Haiti (Mission Mennonite). We met with the local Mission Board, Liaison Committee, and also directors of Christian Service International. All saw the need and encouragement was given to move ahead as God would open doors and as funds from private donors became available. An Invitation letter from the Haitian Mission Board was sent to our home church in St Marys Ontario inviting us to come. The letter was read and supported that we could go.

One major setback from the start was when the ship that was transporting a lot of our startup good and supplies, including a vehicle, sank at sea off the coast of the Bahamas. All was lost. With counsel we picked up courage again and in faith moved ahead. While we didn’t always see very far ahead, God made a way. Funds were never in abundance but always sufficient for the immediate need. We felt secure and blessed as we submitted ourselves and the clinic project to the guidance and direction of the Haitian Mission Board. They were very encouraging and helpful from the start.

We started off renting a small 2 room house in Oriani of about 400 sq ft, and quickly outgrew it as we became overwhelmed by the many people coming from far and near. Some came with small problems, some with major issues. Some came expecting miracles. Some walked or rode donkeys for 6 hours to get here. Every day is started with devotions and prayer held with all the patients and workers assembled in the front porch.

In 2011 we were donated a 6 wheel drive rugged ambulance. It has made many long rough trips to Port au Prince with patients, providing services and security to the area that had never had this before. In 2012 we received generous donations enabling a simple but beautiful new clinic to be built of about 3000 sq ft. Inauguration was in Feb 2013. This has served us well, giving us 3 consultation rooms, a pharmacy, storage and ambulance garage. We now have adequate room to provide birthing assistance among many other services.

The Invitation Letter

Haiti Mission Board

17th July 2010

Hello and good evening, brother and Sister Keith Toews
We wish the peace and grace of God to be with you.
We, as the committee present this letter to you with our respects.

We have a great necessity for your presence in the work of God that is developing in the Oriani area started with the help of Brother and Sister Anthony. As we all know, the gospel work sometimes needs material help also, for everything to work the best.

So then, we have in mind a clinic that would be good for the area to save many people’s lives with some medical help. Please, we are asking you if it is possible to come and give us a hand in any way that it would be possible for you.

Please, you may present this to your congregation with these details. We hope that God will give them a gracious heart to send you on your way. Thank you and you may decide how much time over here is right for you. Always, as far as we are concerned, as long as you wouldn’t encounter difficulties for staying, the longer you could stay with us the more it would gladden our hearts.

Haitian Mission Board:
Brother Jacque, Brother Nasson, Brother Janty, Brother Nikolas, Brother Wilyam

May God bless you


Church Annual Meeting concerning us

Read at Annual Meeting

March 8, 2011
From: The Conference of the Haitian Church at Ganthier, Haiti
To: Mennonite Church Congregations Elsewhere

Object: Information, Thanks and Encouragement

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

We greet you in the name of Jesus and we wish the peace and grace of God to be with you.

We would like to inform you of the developments that have been happening in getting the Haitian Church recognized by the government after the departure of the General Mission Board structure. The Church of Haiti has chosen a committee to represent Herself in this matter titled the Executive Committee.

After the transfer which took place when General Mission left, this committee has been given charge of relating to the government of Haiti. Because of this it has become necessary to gather information on all the activities of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite in Haiti. This we are endeavouring to do to keep our government properly informed.

When we here in Haiti consider the heart felt charity that you all have manifested for the good of the Church and our nation since many years ago until today, we feel a need and an obligation mixed with gratitude to present you with a great thank you and congratulate you for all your good works. We wish you good courage in the Lord, because not only the Church and the nation have needed this, but we consider these activities to be a great help to the propagation of the Gospel.

We are therefore very happy for the presence of several organizations that are already in our country. May God in His great love continue to bless you for this. We are taking advantage of this moment to ask you to please continue to support the following that are already working in our country:

  • The National Committee for Church Schools

  • The Providence of God Orphanage

  • Good News International (Lastik Irrigation Project)

  • CPS (Construction of housing for victims of Jan. 12, 2010)

  • Hope for Haiti (Road construction in Southeast and Grandanse)

  • CSI (Diverse health projects, terracing, gardening, etc.)

  • Confidence in God clinic (Confidence Health Center)

We invite any other brother or groups that would like to come work in the country. Once again, thank you and we appreciate your understanding of us.

In the name of the Haitian Conference.
Respectfully Yours, The Committee
Brutis Louis Rossaine Balde Mikel Simeon Dorleus


Resolution from the 2012 Annual Meeting

Resolved: There is a blessing in spontaneous giving from the heart when the basis and functions of raising funds and administering them are unselfish and when these projects are modest and on the level of the local economy. There is a definite need for accountability and working together on the part of those who have or would implement projects, with home staffs and the foreign field, generally including the national church and committees at work there. The giving of funds and personal recruiting should be in keeping with our present church practices.

Our Statement of
unity and accountability to our church

In year 2010, as the directors of Confidence Health Center, we were careful upon entering into starting a clinic in Haiti, but upon counseling first with the Haitian Mission Board and then CSI, as well as Liaison Board, we felt an open door to proceed. CSI acknowledged there was a real need for a clinic in Oriani but said it was work they were not able to get into at that time. They told us (quote)… “We give you our blessing”. When the written invitation (see attached) from the Haitian church was read before their congregation, Keith and Candace Toews, were given approval to start this work in Haiti.

We have appreciated working closely with the Haitian Mission board and have placed our accountability for the work, and also our spiritual well-being into their hands. We do not feel “independent” in the least. We rather feel very dependent upon everyone for …. Well, just about everything, both from the brotherhood in North America where we came from and also upon the brotherhood in Haiti, for not only operating funds but also direction and counsel in all areas.

We feel a closeness with the CSI work in Haiti, sharing together and working with their Tuberculosis Clinic where possible. We also are blessed to have met and visited with each one of the 7 deacons of the Haitian Financial Committee. We have opened the clinic work before them and feel they have supported it.
We are in harmony with the vision and direction of the Church and have endeavored to follow the safety and guidelines of the Church in all areas, including the resolution of the 2012 Annual Meeting (see attached). Local church clearance is a must for all volunteer personnel.

Spiritual accountability is first of all to the local Haiti Mission Committee and the Oriani Church congregation where we live, work, and commune. We are also accountable to the Haiti Liaison Committee who are go-betweens from Haiti to America, and then of course we are also accountable to our home congregations where we came from, and above all… to God.

We implore your prayers, and invite your thoughts and questions.